George Ward Tjungurrayi

Tingari Cycle 1200mm x 1200mm Acrylic on Linen ASAAGWT1345

Acrylic on Linen
1200mm x 1200mm


Acrylic paints on linen
ACAAGWT0303 sold


George Ward Tjungurrayi

Country: Kiwirrkurra
Language group: Pintupi

George Ward Tjungurrayi was born in the area of Kiwirrkurra in the Gibson Desert. George’s father is Yala Yala Gibbs and his brother is Willy Tjungarrayi. George first made contact with Europeans via a welfare patrol lead by Jeremy Long and Nosepeg Tjupurrula at a rockhole site south of Kiwirrkura. After moving to Papunya he worked as a fencer and a butcher in the Papunya kitchen and began painting for Papunya Tula in about 1976.

George’s paintings depict the Tingari Cycle – ancient stories of the Tingari people who travelled the land in mythological times.

George Ward Tjungurrayi won the prestigious Wynne Landscape Prize in 2004 and his work is featured in leading collections both locally and internationally.

Selected Exhibitions

Selected exhibitions:
1991- Friendly Country, Friendly People: Araluen Centre, Alice Springs
1992- Deamtime Gallery, Broadbeach, QLD
1993- Chapman Gallery, Canberra, ACT
1994- Gallery Australis, Adelaide, SA
1995- Groninger Museum, Groninger, The Netherlands
1995- Papaunya Tula Artists: Alice Springs, NT
1996- Papaunya Tula Artists, Alice Springs, NT


National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne


Tingari Cycle 1200mm x 1200mm Acrylic on Linen ASAAGWT1345

Acrylic on Linen
1200mm x 1200mm